
Hazel Groenewald


  • Hazel started her Insurance career in March of 2003 as a commercial underwriter at what was then Mutual and Federal. She also completed her Proficiency of Short-term Insurance Certificate in the same year. In 2006 she joined SWABOU and then Welwitschia Insurance Brokers team in October 2007.

  • She was promoted to Senior Broker Consultant and has gained immense experience in Corporate, Commercial Agriculture, Professional Indemnity, Construction All-risk and Personal Insurance Policies.

  • Hazel also went on to complete her FETC Qualification in 2015 and received her Diploma in 2018.

This is a never-ending learning industry and I am proud to be part of it.


Short-Term Insurance Broker

+264 81 122 0374
+264 61 299 1429

+264 61 284 3237

  • Personal Insurance

  • Business Insurance

  • Specialised Insurance